Dr. Rafael E. Hincapie
Dr. Rafael Hincapie
- Seit 2017 Senior EOR Expert TECH Center & Lab / ETTL-R Petrophysics & Reservoir Techn., OMV Exploration and Production GmbH, Österreich.
- 2018 Master in International Business Management, OBS/EAE Business School & Universitat de Barcelona, Spanien.
- 2016 Dr.-Ing. Petroleum Engineering, TU Clausthal.
- 2009 Master of Science in Heavy Oil Extraction, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas, Venezuela.
- 2005 Bacehlor of Science in Petroleum Engineering, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) einschließlich SPE League of Volunteers und SPE eMentoring
- European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
- German Society of Petroleum and Coal, DGMK (Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V.
- Society of Core Analysts
- International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)
- German Society of Rheology
- European Society of Rheology
- The Society of Rheology
- Mico and Macroscale Flow of Complex Fluids
- Neubauer, E.; Hincapie, R.E.; Borovina, A., Biernat, M., Clemens, T. and Y.K. Ahmad. Influence of Nanofluids on Wettability Changes and Interfacial Tension Reduction. SPE Europec featured at 81th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020. SPE-200643-MS.
- Arekhov, V.V.; Hincapie, R.E.; Clemens, T. Wettability Changes and Interfacial Tension Reduction in Alkali Polymer Flooding of High and Low Tan Number Oils. SPE Europec featured at 81th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020. SPE-200591-MS.
- Tahir, M., Hincapie, R.E.; Langanke, N.,Ganzer, L. Coupling Microfluidics Data with Core Flooding Experiments to Understand Sulphonated/Polymer Water Injection. SPE Europec featured at 81th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020. SPE-200529-MS.
- Neubauer, E., Hincapie, R.E., Clemens, T. and Cornelius M. Selection of Nanomaterials as Emulsion Stabilizers in Alkali-polymer EOR of High Tan Number Oil. SPE-200411-MS. To be published at the SPE IOR 2020.
- Tahir, M., Hincapie, R. E., Foedisch, H., Strobel, G.-J., & Ganzer, L. (2019, October 22). Potential Benefits of Fluid Optimization for Combined Smart-Water and Polymer Flooding: Impact on Remaining Oil Saturation. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/196763. SPE-196763
- Schumi, B., Clemens, T., Wegner, J., Ganzer, L., Kaiser, A., Hincapie, R. E., & Leitenmueller, V. (2019, October 1). Alkali/Cosolvent/Polymer Flooding of High-TAN Oil: Using Phase Experiments, Micromodels, and Corefloods for Injection-Agent Selection. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/195504-PA. Journal SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering
- Sarquez Bernal, J.R.F., Hincapie, R.E., Clemens, T. and Schumi, B. Long-term Polymer Degradation in High pH Solutions and Polymer Effect on Alkali-oil Phases. IOR 2019 – 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Apr 2019, Volume 2019, p.1 - 14
- Hoffmann, E., Hincapie, R.E., Ganzer, L. Low Salinity Evaluation in Low Permeable Sandstone Reservoirs with Intermediate Clay Content. IOR 2019–20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery 2019 (1), 1-18
- Rock, A., Hincapie, R.E., Ganzer, L. Tertiary Low Salinity Waterflooding (LSWF) in Sandstone Reservoirs: Mechanisms, Synergies and Potentials in EOR Applications. SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. SPE-190715-MS.
- Foedisch, H., Adulalah, H., Hincapie, R.E., Ganzer, L. Optimizing Laboratory cEOR Flooding Evaluations to Assess Initial Oil Saturation and Mobility Ratio. SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. SPE-190769-MS.
- Tahir, M., Hincapie, R.E., Foedisch, H., Hoffmann, E., Ganzer, L. Impact of Sulphates Presence During Application of Smart Water Flooding Combined with Polymer Flooding. SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. SPE-190796-MS.
- Hogeweg, A. Hincapie, R.E., Foedisch, H., Ganzer, L. Evaluation of Aluminium Oxide and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for EOR Applications. SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. SPE-190872-MS.
- Hauhs, F., Foedisch, H., Hincapie, R.E., Ganzer, L. Novel Evaluation of Foam and Immiscible Gas Flooding in Glass-Silicon-Glass Micromodels. SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. SPE-190815-MS.
- Knobloch, L.O., Hincapie, R. E., Födisch, H., Ganzer, L. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Permeability Changes during EOR Polymer Flooding Using Micromodels. World Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (02), 332. DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2018.62021
- Elhajjaji, R.R.S., A.; Behr, Aron; Awofodu, D. D.; Hincapie, R.E., Evaluation of a Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Application in A Heterogeneous and Low Permeable Oil Reservoir: Advanced Screening by Reservoir Simulation, in SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference. 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-187636-MS, doi.org/10.2118/187636-MS: Kuwait City, Kuwait.
- Tahir, H., Hincapie, R.E., M., Be, Michael, Ganzer, Leonhard. A Comprehensive Combination of Apparent and Shear Viscoelastic data during Polymer Flooding for EOR Evaluations. World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017. 5(4).
- Hincapie, R. E., A. Rock, J. Wegner, Ganzer, L. Oil Mobilization by Viscoelastic Flow Instabilities Effects during Polymer EOR: A Pore-scale Visualization Approach. Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (LACPEC) 2017 held in Buenos Aires, Argentina 17-19 May 2017. SPE-185489-MS. DOI: 10.2118/185489-MS
- A. Rock, R. E. Hincapie, J. Wegner, Ganzer, L. Advanced Flow Behavior Characterization of Enhanced Oil Recovery Polymers. SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Paris, France, 12-15 June 2017. SPE-185814-MS. DOI: 10.2118/185814-MS
- M. Be, R. E. Hincapie, A. Rock, C. L. Gaol, M. Tahir, L. Ganzer. Comprehensive Evaluation of the EOR Polymer Viscoelastic Phenomenon at Low Reynolds Number. SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Paris, France, 12-15 June 2017. SPE-185827-MS. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201701575
- M. Tahir, Hincapie, R.E., M. Be, L. Ganzer. Experimental Evaluation of Polymer Viscoelasticity during Flow in Porous Media: Elongational and Shear Analysis. SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Paris, France, 12-15 June 2017. SPE-185823-MS. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201701589
- J. Siwert, Hincapie R. E., A. Rock. Additional Oil Recovery by the Elongational behaviour of Polymers used for EOR Applications. SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition held in Paris, France, 12-15 June 2017. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201701504
- A. Rock, Hincapie, R. E. , J. Wegner, H. Födisch, Ganzer, L. Pore-scale Visualization of Oil Recovery by Viscoelastic Flow Instabilities during Polymer EOR. EAGE, 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery. 24 - 27 April 2017. Stavanger, Norway. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201700273
- F. Hauhs, H. Födisch, R. Hincapie, L. Ganzer. Novel Application of Foam and Air Flooding in Glass-Silicon-Glass Micromodels. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2017-1, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, 495-500, Hamburg. DGMK Paper. Celle 5-6 April 2017
- A. Rock, R.E. Hincapie, J. Wegner, L. Ganzer. Advanced Flow Analysis of Viscoelastic EOR Polymers in Porous-media-resembling Micromodels. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2017-1, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, 495-500, Hamburg. DGMK Paper. Celle 5-6 April 2017
- Severiche, Juan and Hincapie, R. E. Inyección Polimérica, Un Proceso Clave para Incrementar los Factores de Recobro. Colombia Energia Magazine. Edition N° 15. ISSN 2322-794X. colombiaenergia.com. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36289.86888
- Hincapie, R. E. Pore-Scale Investigation of the Viscoelastic Phenomenon during Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Polymer Flooding through Porous Media. Papierflieger Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 978-3-86948-531-7. Doctoral Thesis 2016
- R.R. Elhajjaji, R.E. Hincapie, M. Tahir, A. Rock, J. Wegner and L. Ganzer. Systematic Study of Viscoelastic Properties during Polymer-Surfactant Flooding in Porous Media. SPE-181916-MS. SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition held in Moscow, Russia, 24–26 October 2016
- D. C. Raharja, R. E. Hincapie, M. Be C. L. Gaol and L. Ganzer. Pressure Drop Separation during Aqueous Polymer Flow in Porous Media. COMSOL Conference Munich 12 – 15 October 2016.
- A. Rock, R. E. Hincapie, J. Wegner, H. Födisch, Ganzer, L. Pore-scale Visualization of Polymer Viscoelasticity Using Particle Tracing in Glass-Silicon-Glass Micromodels. TU SP2 01. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition in Vienna / SPE EUROPEC 2016. 30.05 – 02.06, Vienna, Austria, 2016. Best Student Paper. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201600917
- R.R. Elhajjaji, R. E. Hincapie, Ganzer, L. Evaluation of Viscoelastic Behavior during Surfactant-polymer Flooding in Porous Media Using Microfluidics. TU SP2 02. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition in Vienna / SPE EUROPEC 2016. 30.05 – 02.06, Vienna, Austria, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201600918
- Duffy, J., Hincapie, R. Using Rheology to Optimize the Performance of EOR fluids. Oil and Gas Innovation Magazine. Spring 2016. Volume 10. Emery Hill Media Ltd. Pages 42 – 43. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24126.38721
- R.E. Hincapie, J. Duffy, C. O'Grady, L. Ganzer (2015). An Approach to Determine Polymer Viscoelasticity under Flow through Porous Media by Combining Complementary Rheological Techniques. SPE Asia Pacific Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference. 11-13 August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper SPE – 174689. DOI: 10.2118/174689-MS
- J. Wegner, R.E. Hincapie, H. Foedisch, L. Ganzer (2015). Novel Visualisation of Chemical EOR Flooding Using a Lab-on-a-Chip Setup Supported by an Extensive Rheological Characterisation. SPE Asia Pacific Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference. 11-13 August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper SPE – 174648. DOI: 10.2118/174648-MS
- H. Foedisch, J. Wegner, R.E. Hincapie, L. Ganzer (2015). Impact of Connate Water Replacement on Chemical EOR Processes. SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Quito, Ecuador, 18–20 November 2015. Paper SPE-177196. DOI: 10.2118/177196-MS
- R. Hincapie, Ganzer, L. (2015). Assessment of Polymer Injectivity with Regards to Viscoelasticity: Lab Evaluations towards Better Field Operations. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition in Madrid / SPE EUROPEC 2015. 1 – 5 June, Madrid, Spain. Paper SPE – 174346. DOI: 10.2118/174346-MS
- H. Födisch, R. Hincapie, J. Wegner, Ganzer, L. (2015). Visualization of Connate Water Replacement during Flooding Experiments Using Glass-Silicon-Glass Micromodels. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition in Madrid / SPE EUROPEC 2015. 1 – 5 June, Madrid, Spain. First Break Magazine June Edition 2015. Paper We SP2 03. Best Student Paper. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201412500
- T. Muhammad, R. Hincapie (2015). Coexistence of Shear and Elongational Components of Flow Paths through Porous Media during Polymer-Flooding Applications. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition in Madrid / SPE EUROPEC 2015. 1 – 5 June, Madrid, Spain. Paper We SP2 07. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201412503
- R.E. Hincapie, J. Duffy, C. O'Grady, L. Ganzer (2015). Using DLS Microrheology, Rotational Rheometry and Microfluidics to better understand the Behaviour of Polymeric Materials for Use in Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications. 10th Annual European Rheology Conference. April 14-17, Nantes, France. Poster PO181. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30837.27367
- T. Muhammad, R. Hincapie (2015). An Experimental Approach to Analyze Polymer Mechanical Properties. International Student Petroleum Congress & Career Expo "East Meets West". 22 – 24 April, Krakow, Poland. Paper EMW '15-1
- J.A. Romero, R. Hincapie (2015). Sand Pack Processing for Polymer Flooding Injectivity Purposes: Workflow and Experimental Set-Up. International Student Petroleum Congress & Career Expo "East Meets West". 22 – 24 April, Krakow, Poland. EMW '15-2.
- Herbas, J. G., Wegner, J., Hincapie, R. E., Födisch, H., Ganzer, L., Castillo, J. A. D., & Mugizi, H. M. (2015). Comprehensive Micromodel Study to Evaluate Polymer EOR in Unconsolidated Sand Reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 19th Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference. Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. Paper SPE - 172669. doi:10.2118/172669-MS
- Zheng, S., Hincapie, R., Ganzer, L. (2013). Laboratory and Simulation Approach to the Polymer EOR Evaluation in German Reservoir Characteristics. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2013-1, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, 495-500, Hamburg. DGMK Paper.
- Kouchaki, S., Hincapie, R., Ganzer, L. (2013). Rheological Evaluation of Polymers for EOR: Proper Procedures for a Laboratory Approach. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2013-1, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, Hamburg. DGMK Paper.
- H. Födisch, J. Wegner, R. Hincapie-Reina, L. Ganzer. (2013). Characterization of Glass Filter Micromodels Used For Polymer EOR Flooding Experiments. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2013-1, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, Hamburg. DGMK Paper.
- Syed Sammar Haider Kazmi, R.E. Hincapie R. (2012). Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery as a Solution for Aging Field: Challenges. VIII Azerbaijan International Geophysical Conference 3-5 October. Baku Azerbaijan.
- Hincapie, R., Wegner, J., Buchebner, M., Zheng, S., Ganzer, L. (2012). Laboratory Investigation of Parameters Affecting Viscosity of Enhanced Oil Recovery Polymers. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2012-2, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, 495-500, Hamburg. DGMK Paper.
- Hincapie, R., Wegner, J, Buchebner, M., Ganzer, L. (2012). Experimental Set-Up and Workflow for Polymer Flooding Processes Using Micromodels. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2012-2, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, 501-505, Hamburg. DGMK Paper.
- Wegner, J., Buchebner M, Hincapie, R. , Ganzer, L. (2012). Development of a Numerical Polymer EOR Toolbox to Facilitate the Design and Interpretation of Micromodel Flooding Experiments. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2012-2, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, 505-515, Hamburg. DGMK-Paper
- Hincapie, R., Alvarez, C. E., and Vargas, A. J. Technical Feasibility of Polymer Injection in Heavy Oil Reservoir Bainf60 and Bamed78: Intercampo Norte - Through Predictive Models. SPE Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, 12-14 December 2011, Kuwait City. Paper SPE – 149621. DOI: 10.2118/149621-MS
- Hincapie, R., Tovar, F. D., and Alvarez, C. E. Feasibility for the Application of In Situ Combustion in Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco (FPO) Based In A Novel Screening Criteria For The Technology. SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19–21 July 2011. Paper SPE – 144027. DOI: 10.2118/144027-MS
- Hincapie, R., (2009). Evaluations of Parameters for In Situ Combustion Application in the Junín Area of Orinoco Oil Belt. Master Thesis. PDVSA Intevep. Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas