Dr.-Ing. Nelson Perozo
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Bohr- und Produktionstechnik
- Seit 2017 PostDoc und Lehrbeauftragter an der Technischen Universität Clausthal
- 2016 Dr. -Ing. - Thema: „Experimental investigation on Coiled Tubing Materials under extreme load conditions“. TU Clausthal, Germany
- 2008 M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering specialized in “Natural Gas Supply”. TU Clausthal, Germany
- 2003 B. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering. UNET, Venezuela
Soziale Medien
- Prüfung und Analyse von rohrförmigen Gütern (OCTG) für die Öl- und Gasindustrie:
- Einsturzsicherheit (API 5C3, ISO 10400).
- Dichtheit von Gewindeverbindungen und Prüfung des Grenzbereichs (ISO 13679, API 5C5).
- Prüfung von gewickelten Rohren unter Biege- und kombinierten Spannungen - Prüfung und Analyse von Komponenten unter hohem Druck und hoher Temperatur
- Wasserstoffverträglichkeit von Komplettierungsmaterialien
- Erdöl- und Erdgasförderung
- Mitarbeit beim Full Scale Testing Center
- Wasserstoffverträglichkeit der Gasnetze
- Kompatibilitätstests von Hochdruck-Wasserstoff mit Materialien für die Bohrlochkomplettierung. (API-Stähle und poröse Materialien)
- Erdöl- und Erdgasproduktion
- Advanced Production
- Erdöl- und Erdgasproduktion
- Grundlagen Erdgastransport und -verteilung
- Paper
- Effect of Hydrogen on Mechanical Properties of Completion Pipeline API Steels (SPE-214569-MS). N. Perozo, S. Amirhosseini, J. Holzmann, P. Jaeger. Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition. May 2023. Abu Dhabi. UAE.
- Multiphase Flowloop Remote Laboratory. M. Sierra Apel, F. Odebrett, C. Paz, N. Perozo. International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) February 2020. Athens, Georgia. USA.
- Well Integrity in the Times of ISO 13679 and Premium Connections: Experiences and Way Forward. (SPE-187597). O. Grijalva, N. Perozo, J. Holzmann, C. Paz, J. Oppelt. SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference 2017. Kuwait City, Kuwait.
- Automated While-Drilling Telemetry Systems Performance Analysis and Selection Optimization in Underbalanced Drilling Operations (2017-OMC). P. Huseynov, O. Bello, N. Perozo, J. Holzmann, J. Oppelt. 13th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition 2017. Ravenna, Italy.
- OCTG Advancements in Casing Drilling: Where we have been and where are we going?. (SPE-185102). O. Grijalva, J. Holzmann, J. Oppelt, N. Perozo, C. Paz, A. Asgharzadeh. SPE Oklahoma City Oil and Gas Symposium 2017. Oklahoma City. USA.
- Technological Improvements in OCTG Premium Casing Connections and Advancements in Design Paradigms to Address the Challenges Present During the Exploitation of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources: A Critical Review. (SPE-183199). O. Grijalva, J. Holzmann, N. Perozo, C. Paz, J. Oppelt. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2016. Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Qualitative analysis of drill string torsional vibration preventive measures: Present status and future possible solutions. (SPE-184381). A. Asgharzadeh, T. Yaqoob, O. Bello, N. Perozo, C. Paz, J. Holzmann, O. Grijalva, J. Oppelt. SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference & Exhibition 2016. Lagos, Nigeria.
- A novel testing facility for coiled tubing fatigue evaluation under deep drilling conditions. (SPE-180483). N. Perozo, C. Paz, C. Teodoriu, J. Holzmann, O. Grijalva, J. Oppelt. SPE Western regional meeting 2016. Anchorage, Alaska.
- Experimental validation of methods to simulate make up processes in oil country tubular goods. O. Grijalva, J. Holzmann, N. Perozo, C. Paz. Proceedings of the International Conference and Expo in Oil & Gas 2015. Dubai, UAE.
- Estimation of CT fatigue strength using lifecycle simulations. N. Perozo, C. Paz, J. Holzmann, J. Oppelt. 16th International Scientific and Practical Coiled Tubing, Hydraulic Fracturing and Well intervention Conference. ICoTA 2015. Moscow, Russia.
- A comparative study of fatigue testing machines with application to OCTG. C. Teodoriu, N. Perozo, J. Holzmann. SCAD 2013, Ghent University, Belgium.
- Journals
- Real-Time Liquid Rate and Water Cut Prediction from the Electrical Submersible Pump Sensors Data Using Machine-Learning Algorithms. R. Abdalla, W. Al-Hakimi, N. Perozo, P. Jaeger. American Chemical Society. ACS Omega. Mar/2023. doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c07609.
- Machine Learning Approach for Predictive Maintenance of the Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs). R. Abdalla, H. Samara, N. Perozo, C. Paz, P. Jaeger. American Chemical Society. ACS Omega. May/2022. doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c05881.
- Interfacial properties of H2/CO2mixtures affecting safe operations of underground storage. R. Villablanca, M. Paul, P. Jaeger,N. Perozo. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle (EEK).Oct/2021.Germany.
- A Simplified framework and Performance Analysis for while-drilling telemetry systems in Underbalanced Drilling Operations. O. Bello, N. Perozo, P. Huseynov, A. Asgharzadeh, O. Grijalva, J. Holzmann, J. Oppelt. Environmental Earth Sciences. (2018) 77:512. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.
- High-End Testing Frame for Coiled Tubings. N. Perozo, C. Paz, J. Holzmann, J. Oppelt. Coiled Tubing Times – Issue 57. (2016). Moscow, Russia.

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Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems
Agricolastraße 10
Gebäude C 21, Raum H104
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld