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Colloidal stability

Colloidal stability

During processing of fluid multiphase systems, dispersions of drops or bubbles occur in surrounding (continuous) phases. The size and stability of these fluid particles is relevant e.g. for the flow regime.

Corrosion in gas pipelines

Corrosion in gas pipelines

In an increasing variety of applications, undefined mixtures of gases, condensates and aqueous phases (e.g. formation water) are transported through pipelines at elevated pressures that are either made of carbon steel or polymers.

Experimental and theoretical approached to determine the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)

Experimental and theoretical approached to determine the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)

Miscible CO2 injection is an important method in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), particularly effective for light and medium crude oil reservoirs.


Corrosion in gas pipelines

Corrosion in gas pipelines

In an increasing variety of applications, undefined mixtures of gases, condensates and aqueous phases (e.g. formation water) are transported through pipelines at elevated pressures that are either made of carbon steel or polymers.